What are The Meridians?
The meridians are energy pathways that supply our physical and subtle bodies with vital energy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) they are believed to be invisible pathways or channels through which life energy flows throughout the body. These pathways are thought to connect organs, body parts and even the mind. If the energy flow is disturbed or disrupted, the result is discomfort, sickness and disease.
The meridians run beneath the skin. This area is referred to as acupuncture points, acupressure points or pressure points. Each meridian corresponds to Yin or Yang and to one of the inner organs, as well as one of the Five Elements.
There are twelve main meridians of the body:-
The lung meridian = yin/metal
The large intestine meridian = yang/metal
The small intestine meridian = yang/fire
The stomach meridian = yang/earth
The bladder meridian = yang/water
The gallbladder meridian = yang/wood
The kidney meridian = yin/water
The spleen-pancreas meridian = yin/earth
The liver meridian = yin/wood
The heart meridian = yin/fire
The heart constrictor meridian = yin/fire
The triple-warmer meridian = yang/fire
The theory of Yin and Yang rule Chinese philosophy, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Yin and Yang play together on the stage of life complimenting each other and keeping each other in harmony. Like black and white, day and night, they are seen as complementary elements. One cannot exist without the other. They are partners. Certain body parts correspond to Yin and others to Yang. A healthy body is in a state of perfect balance between Yin and Yang.
In China they believe that everything in the universe corresponds in some way to The Five Elements of earth, fire, wood, metal and water. These elements continuously interact with each other inside our body in a cycle of creation, destruction and renewal. Understanding the five elements can help in understanding the balance of the body and mind. Imbalances in the elements are believed to contribute to illness or discomfort.
Here are the Five Elements and their associated inner organs and qualities:-
Wood - Associated with growth, vitality,
the Spring, and the liver and gallbladder.
Fire - Associated with warmth, passion,
the Summer, and the heart and small intestine.
Earth - Associated with stability, nourishment,
late Summer, and the spleen and stomach.
Metal - Associated with clarity, order,
the Autumn, and the lungs and large intestine.
Water - Associated with wisdom, intuition,
the Winter, and the kidneys and bladder.
How can Reiki help with imbalances in The Meridians, Yin, Yang or the Five Elements?
Reiki can be a powerful tool for addressing imbalances in the meridians, Yin, Yang and the Five Elements, by promoting the flow of vital energy throughout the body, Reiki can help restore balance and harmony. The soothing hand positions of Reiki will create warmth and will touch over all the main organ areas of the body. Certain acupuncture points can be lightly stimulated or gently massaged during your treatment and the invisible pathways of the meridians can naturally be improved over time. By combining Reiki with other energy based practices, you can enhance the balancing effects and achieve even greater harmony in your body and mind.
What are the chakras?
Chakras are described as energy centers within the body, according to some Eastern traditional beliefs. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that correspond to major organs, nerves, and emotional states. There are believed to be seven main chakras, each with a specific location, colour and association, but also many minor chakras.
The main chakras run along the spine, starting at the base and extending to the crown of the head. These are known as Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. They are said to function best when they are balanced and open. They can become stagnant and less balanced very easily through every day living, so your Reiki session will aim to address this.
What would an imbalance in a chakra show as?
Chakra imbalances can show up as various emotional or physical symptoms depending on which chakra is out of balance. The following is a very basic list to give you an idea of how this could affect you:-
Root Chakra imbalances could lead to feelings of insecurity or financial worries, with physical problems like back pain or tiredness. Colour red.
Sacral Chakra imbalances may result in issues with creativity or relationships, with physical symptoms such as reproductive issues or lower back pain. Colour orange.
Solar Plexus Chakra imbalances could cause digestive problems, low self-esteem, difficulty making decisions and issues with personal power. Colour yellow.
Heart Chakra imbalances may lead to emotional pain, difficulty loving yourself or others, trust issues and heart related physical issues. Colour green or pink.
Throat Chakra imbalances can result in communication difficulties or fear of speaking one’s truth, with thyroid issues or sore throat.
Colour light blue.
Third Eye Chakra imbalances could manifest as headaches, difficulty concentrating, lack of intuition and problems sleeping. Colour indigo.
Crown Chakra imbalances may lead to feelings of disconnection, lack of purpose and spiritual emptiness. Colour violet or white.
How can you balance a chakra?
Balancing your chakras involves harmonising your body’s energy centers to help create a smoother flow of energy in the body. Techniques such as Reiki, crystal healing, sound healing and qi-gong can be powerful tools for restoring balance. By combining these practices with meditation, mindfulness and a healthy lifestyle, you can accelerate your journey to chakra harmony. Remember even walking in nature and reading a book can help to create balance in your life.
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing is a practice that involves using crystals and stones to promote healing and well-being. These crystals are believed to possess unique energies that can interact with the human energy field, or aura, to restore balance and harmony. Crystals can be laid along the body, held or laid nearby.
How does Crystal Healing work?
It is believed that crystals can absorb, store and release energy, helping to balance the body’s energy centers (chakras). This in turn, can support physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Do different crystals have different energies and healing benefits?
The core belief of crystal healing is that each crystal is thought to possess unique vibrational properties that can interact with the human energy field in various different ways. Some are associated with calming, relaxation, spiritual awareness, pain reduction and protection, whereas others are believed to amplify energy, thought and intention. Each crystal is as unique as each human being on this planet.
What is Sound therapy?
Sound therapy is a holistic practice which uses sound, music and specialised instruments to promote relaxation, healing and overall well-being. It is based on the belief that sound vibrations and frequencies can influence our physical, emotional and mental states.
Sound therapy harnesses the power of sound vibrations to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. By inducing a deep state of relaxation, it can help manage anxiety, alleviate chronic pain, balance chakras and improve sleep quality. Sound therapy also supports emotional healing and balance.
The theory behind sound therapy is that sound waves can interact with the body’s energy fields and promote healing. Sound waves travel through the air and when these vibrations interact with the body, they can cause the body’s cells and tissues to resonate at a similar frequency. Different frequencies promote a different reaction within the body.
What techniques and instruments can be used WITH SOUND THERAPY?
Techniques such as sound bath meditations and listening to solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats can be effective at creating harmony and balance in the body. Common instruments used are:- Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, drums, chimes and crystal instruments.
What is stagnant energy?
Factors like stress, emotional or physical trauma, or sometimes general inactivity can lead to stagnant energy. This can be used to describe a feeling of sluggishness or a lack of vitality within the body.
You could think of it as being similar to sediment in the bottom of a pond. Where years of dead leaves, twigs and other debris have settled, layer upon layer. This sediment is stagnant energy, which is thick, heavy and hard to move. Like the pond, stagnant energy feels heavy, like wading through mud. It can dim your inner light, making it hard to feel motivated or inspired. The good news is that there are many self-care measures including Reiki which can help to revitalise your energy, bringing movement and life back into your body.
After a Reiki session, you may find areas of stagnancy which will dispel straight away (by being flushed out via the body systems) and some will be a little harder to shift, just like the leaves which will settle back down to the bottom of the pond again. As symptoms sometimes take years to develop, it can take a little time and patience for your energy to flow freely again but by creating an enhanced movement of energy, this will automatically give the body the green light to start healing itself.
Can eating certain foods help my body to heal more efficiently?
Absolutely! Food is your body’s fuel and what you choose to eat can significantly impact your overall health and healing process. While food alone probably won’t cure every ailment, it plays a crucial role in supporting your body’s natural ability to heal. It provides the building blocks for repair, boosts immunity, reduces inflammation and provides the energy you need throughout the day. A balanced diet supports overall health, creating a foundation for optimal energy flow.
Prioritise nutrient rich foods from various food groups to support tissue repair, immune function and overall well-being. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. Additionally, anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce inflammation, which is often linked to chronic diseases. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and get adequate rest.
WHAT IS QI-GONG AND WHY would it benefit me?
Qi-gong (pronounced ‘chee’ gong) is a gentle form of moving meditation that originated from China. It involves a combination of slow, flowing movements, deep breathing and meditation. ‘Qi’ from the word Qi-gong means the same as ‘Ki’ from the word Reiki, both translating to ‘life force energy’.
This exercise is very relaxing and with regular practice it can offer numerous health benefits including:- improved physical health, increased flexibility, balance, strength, body tone and energy levels. It has the added benefits of having a positive impact on internal organs during the movements, by increasing blood flow it can help improve the function of organs like the liver, kidneys and digestive system helping them to filter out toxins and waste products more efficiently.
Qi-gong works by promoting the natural flow of energy through the body’s meridians. During the practice, body tapping on specific parts of the body can also be used to stimulate energy flow, release tension and promote relaxation, along with shaking the arms, legs and torso, imagining that you are literally shaking off anything that does not serve you.
Qi-gong can be a wonderful complement to your regular Reiki session, both focusing on energy work, enhancing each other’s benefits.
Laughter therapy is a type of exercise that incorporates laughter into a structured program. It involves a series of laughter exercises, breathing techniques, and stretching. The goal is to induce laughter even when you don’t feel like it. While it may seem very strange at first, laughter therapy has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Start small such as pretending to laugh or making silly faces, even a small amount of laughter can have a positive effect. The goal is to create a space where positive emotions can naturally emerge. You can even incorporate body tapping at the same time.
It can help improve energy flow in several ways. When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins, which are natural mood elevators. By reducing stress, we can improve the overall flow of energy in our bodies. Laughter can help to relax the muscles too, including those that may be tense or holding on to stagnant energy. This can improve circulation and energy flow. Laughter can boost positive emotions, which can have a positive impact on our energy levels. When we feel good, our energy tends to flow more freely. Overall, laughter therapy can be a fun and effective way to improve energy flow and promote overall well-being. If you are struggling with sadness, it’s important to seek support while also working on self-care strategies.