What Does the word Reiki mean?
‘Rei’ translates to ‘universal’ and ‘ki’ translates to ‘life force energy’. Vital life-force energy flows in and around all living things. It is this energy that creates, repairs, and sustains all life.
what is reiki?
Reiki promotes the natural movement of energy through the body, that is applied through noninvasive, non manipulative gentle touch, which was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early part of the 20th century. Reiki involves lightly laying of hands just above or on the clothed body, working in a slow progression of hand positions, usually starting at the head and working down the body. Life force energy can also be known as qi (chi) or maybe Prana (among others) but essentially this energy flows through pathways of all living things. It is this energy that gives us our vitality and radiance and that creates, repairs and sustains all life. It is all around us.
Think of this energy as the fuel that keeps everything running smoothly, like a clear flowing river. When energy flows freely, it nourishes your organs, tissues and cells, allowing them to function at their best. The stressors and traumas (whether mental or physical) of everyday life can mean that this energy is not able to flow in the way that it was designed to, resulting in imbalances in the body. Over time, this stagnation can increase and cause various symptoms of dis-ease, such as chronic pain, migraines, fatigue, anxiety or digestive issues.
Reiki is a natural support that can help restore the body back to balance by promoting a smooth circulation of vital energy. Reiki is not a religion and it is accepted by people from all backgrounds and belief systems. Practitioners have been shown to emit electromagnetic pulses of energy from their hands, resonating at frequencies which are known to stimulate healing in the body. (Ref Dr John Zimmerman).
Reiki helps the natural healing process of the body. Some people use Reiki for targeted relief from things like pain, anxiety or trouble sleeping, while others incorporate regular Reiki sessions into their self-care routine, to help maintain balance and reduce stress in their daily lives. Some reasons people seek out Reiki are as follows: -
Stress reduction and relaxation.
Pain management and injury recovery.
Emotional well-being and mental clarity.
To improve sleep and energy levels
Complementary support for chronic conditions
Digestive issues
Recurring health problems
Past emotional traumas
To break a bad habit
To have some ‘me’ time
Yes it is. Reiki is given fully clothed in a quiet environment and is safe for adults, children, mothers to be, babies and animals. There are officially no contraindications with Reiki. Clients with insulin controlled diabetes need to continue to check their blood sugars regularly.
Many people today commonly feel the unhelpful symptoms of stress and anxiety and have a general feeling of dis-ease in their body, on an almost daily basis. Sometimes you are not sure of the reasons why you may be feeling like this, sometimes you know why but solutions seem out of reach. Either way, they say a change is as good as a rest and this often can be true. Sometimes you need to change something in your life to create a change in how you are feeling. Prioritising self-care to promote balance and well-being and choosing to have Reiki to assist with this change, is a positive step to take.
what will i feel?
Many people experience a deep sense of relaxation during a Reiki session, even drifting off to sleep. Your body may also respond with internal shifts, increased swallowing, or slight body twitches. Some people feel warmth or coolness, while others feel emotional releases. These sensations are signs that the energy is flowing, and your body is responding. However, it’s also perfectly normal not to feel anything at all. The sensations you experience, if any, are unique to you.
will there be any side effects after my session?
Most of the time a person will feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. However, sometimes a person will experience a temporary healing crisis, as the body adjusts to increased energy levels. These can include flu-like symptoms, digestive upsets, sleep disturbances or general fatigue. These are normal and often indicate the body’s natural detoxification process. Drink plenty of water. If you have any concerns, consult your GP.
To monitor your progress, consider keeping a note of your experiences over the coming weeks. Remember, deep healing often takes time. Be patient with your body as it undergoes this process.
Just yourself but for your comfort, loose-fitting clothing and socks are recommended.
can i support myself at home to aid my healing?
Absolutely yes! and I would recommend that you do so. There are several reasons why supporting yourself at home can enhance your healing journey. You will receive a special Aftercare Advice Sheet after your session.
Everyone reacts differently to Reiki because we are all unique. Some might feel a shift after one session, while others might need more for a noticeable effect. Even one single Reiki session can make a difference, however, a course of regular treatments may be more effective. These could be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on your needs.
what is distance reiki healing?
Distance Reiki Healing is energy healing sent over another time and space. This means it is the healing of someone or something not present with the practitioner. It can be sent over space (meaning in another room or another country) or over time (as in the past or in the future). Distance healing has the same therapeutic benefits as an in-person session and sometimes more if you prefer to unwind in private. This can be for yourself, someone else, an animal, a past traumatic event, or a future event (such as an interview, exam, wedding etc).
how does distance healing work?
While science hasn’t fully explained this process, it is thought that we may all be interconnected and part of the same fabric of universal energy, where time and space are ideas of the mind and do not exist. Quantum physics has led to a profound re-evaluation of concepts like time and space, suggesting that our everyday perceptions might not fully capture their true nature. With focus and intention, Reiki practitioners can channel energy to heal the past, present and the future.
You could imagine the Universe as a giant web, where everything is connected by invisible threads of energy and each thread represents a part of the whole person. We are all interwoven into this web, again separated but actually all together as one. This healing energy can therefore be channeled across any distance, similar to how technologies like Wi-Fi transmits data invisibly. Just as we rely on technology without fully understanding its inner workings, distance healing could be thought of as the same, with positive feedback from recipients consistently demonstrating the benefits.
Opening yourself to the healing energy without resistance and believing in your ability to heal is essential for optimal results.
I will contact you just before your scheduled time. Please find a quiet space where you can relax without interruptions. Recognising our shared connection to universal energy, I will hold the presence of my own stillness to help encourage more stillness in you. Being calm and cultivating an understanding of letting go. During your healing session you may feel sensations of warmth, tingling or deep relaxation.
Remember distance healing is just as effective as in-person healing. To enhance your experience, consider setting an intention for the session and creating a calming atmosphere. Trust in the process and allow yourself to fully relax. This will ensure the best possible outcome from the energy healing. I will follow up with you after your session.
I am a Reiki Master Practitioner trained in the Traditional Usui System of Natural Healing and I have been practicing Reiki since 2015.
I am a member of the UK Reiki Federation and the Center for Reiki Research and attend regular Reiki shares and meetings, where practitioners get together to share their knowledge, in order to create a deeper understanding and practice of Reiki. My commitment to Reiki extends beyond my practice. Through extensive research and further education, I continually explore new dimensions of Reiki, ensuring that my clients benefit from the latest insights and knowledge.
I will practice Reiki with a mainly hands-on approach, but I will cater to individual preferences and comfort levels. Pressure is light and I will usually follow specific hand placements starting at the head but I will move to different areas when I feel the need. I see Reiki as a path to overall well-being but will also target any specific issues you may have. My approach aims to promote deep relaxation, reduce stress, and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.
Yes! Full Circle (Supporting sick children and adults) have successfully implemented their services in St George’s University Hospital, London and University Hospitals Sussex, Brighton and are expanding nationwide, supporting over 7,000 children, teenagers and adults. Reiki has been integrated into the hospital setting with more than 900 hospitals offering it in Australia, the USA, UK, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico.
IS REIKI scientifically proven?
The healing process, whether emotional, physical, or mental, works in ways that can’t always be understood by the rational mind. Scientifically we don’t yet understand how Reiki works. The proposed explanations, like manipulating an energy field, don’t align with current scientific understanding. Funding limitations, challenges in designing studies and a focus of anecdotal evidence, mean a lack of objective data needed for scientific conclusions.
Dr John Zimmerman conducted an experiment which showed that when giving Reiki, practitioners have been shown to emit electromagnetic pulses of energy from their hands. The frequencies of the energy emitted varied from one moment to the next, but many appeared to correspond to those that medical researchers have identified as being the optimum frequencies for stimulating the natural healing process in tissues, bones, and other body parts so far investigated. This bio-magnetic energy (or field) flowing from a practitioner’s hands has been shown to induce current flows in the tissues and cells of individuals who are in close proximity, but this pulsing energy is not produced by non-practitioners of energy healing techniques.
While science strives for concrete evidence, it also recognises the limitations of human knowledge. There are many aspects of the world that are still beyond our understanding, and that’s okay. These mysteries can inspire wonder and curiosity. Science can provide a framework for understanding the natural world, while also acknowledging that there are aspects of life that may always remain mysterious.
There are many complementary therapies which are not able to be scientifically proven, and I believe you should always be able to try something for yourself and if it helps, that is all that matters. Sometimes it may be helpful to be your own scientist by researching, experiencing, observing and recording your own findings, then analysing the results and finally drawing your own conclusions.
anything else?
Please ask me.