Privacy policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) relates to any of your personal information that I may collect, store or share. This page outlines my GDPR/Privacy Policy.
All information relating to attendance and the client’s records will be kept entirely confidential. No disclosure will be made to a third party, including any member of the client’s own family, without the client’s consent, unless it is required by due process of the law.
Personal Information that I collect
When you contact me and as part of the initial assessment, I will ask you for the following:-
Name, address, email address and telephone number and date of birth.
Emergency contact telephone number and relationship to you.
Brief medical background, any medications and recent operations.
Therapeutic/healing history and current reasons for seeking Reiki or any other complimentary therapy you may be receiving.
Information on any areas of concern.
If you are sensitive to touch.
If you are sensitive to fragrance.
If you are pregnant.
If you have any allergies.
i will also complete a Client Documentation Sheet at the end of each session, so a thorough record is kept. This again will be kept entirely confidential. (See Confidentiality above).
How I store your information
Mobile Phone - I may store some or all your Personal Information or session notes on a mobile device. This allows me to contact you, when necessary, preferably by WhatsApp but could be via social media messaging, text message, email or by phone call. Any correspondence between us will be stored there. My mobile phone is password protected and kept locked when not in use.
Personal Computer - I may store some or all your Personal Information or session notes on a personal computer, which is password protected and kept locked when not in use.
Paper - I may store some or all your Personal Information or session notes by a paper-based filing system. These will be stored out of sight in a filing cabinet in my home or office when not in use.
How I may share your personal information
Emergencies - In the event of a physical or mental health emergency, with your consent, wherever possible, if I am seriously concerned about you or your health, I may share your contact information with an emergency healthcare service.
How long will I hold your information
I will hold on to your session information (written or electronic) for up to seven years from the time of the last consultation. This is so I have details of our past work in case you return for more treatments in the future. After this time has passed, I will shred and permanently delete the session information.